By default, after TFA installation OSWATCHER runs with:
> ps -edf | grep -i osw
... /bin/sh ./ 30 48 ...
Meaning that a snapshot is made every 30 minutes and kept for 48 hours.
Since this 48 hours seem to be insufficient for a problem detection/analysis so I wanted to double it, but nowhere on tfactl was I able to find any way to change it.
Looking into the file $TFA_BASE/$hostname/tfa_home/ext/oswbb/
Where $TFA_BASE is the path you specified when install TFA:
Enter a location for installing TFA (/tfa will be appended if not supplied) [/root/tfa]
I found that a file called .osw.prop is being read to get the values for the variables:
my $tool = "oswbb";
my $tfa_base = tfactlshare_get_tfa_base($tfa_home);
my $tool_base = catfile($tfa_base, "suptools", "$hostname", $tool, $current_user);
my $osw_prop = catfile($tool_base, ".osw.prop");
if ( -f $osw_prop )
open(ORF, $osw_prop);
if ( ! $interval && /interval=(\d+)/ )
$interval = $1;
elsif ( ! $hours && /hours=(\d+)/ )
$hours = $1;
elsif ( ! $zip && /zip=(.*)/ )
The location of the file is not clear since it is given by the function tfactlshare_get_tfa_base, so:
find . -name ".osw.prop"
And the file is found in:
> $TFA_BASE/repository/suptools/$hostname/oswbb/$current_user/.osw.prop
Note: after know this the file is easily found by checking the archive location of the running process:
[root@hostname root]# ps -edf | grep -i osw
root 31662 1 0 20:57 pts/0 00:00:00 /bin/sh ./ 30 48 NONE /oracle/products/tfa/repository/suptools/hostname/oswbb/root/archive
Having located the file is just a matter of editing it:
> cat $TFA_BASE/repository/suptools/$hostname/oswbb//$current_user/.osw.prop
> vi $TFA_BASE/repository/suptools/$hostname/oswbb//$current_user/.osw.prop
> cat $TFA_BASE/repository/suptools/$hostname/oswbb//$current_user/.osw.prop
> tfactl stop oswbb
> tfactl start oswddb
And now the values are modified.
> ps -edf | grep -i osw
... /bin/sh ./ 30 96 ...
I think there should be a easier way to do this: Making this change in a cluster environment we'll need to run it in all nodes of the cluster.