A blog about my experience in the IT world.

Online Language - Acronyms

October 29, 2007

Online written language is different from the common written language; And, online language, even changes if you are writing an email, instant messaging or just posting to a forum or blog.

All languages has theirs particularities, whether they be acronyms or slang words. Understanding this special words will contribute to an easier understanding of the subject you are reading about!

In this post I'll talk about acronyms and what they mean.

Acronym - Meaning

AKA - Also Known As
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ASL - Age/Sex/Location (normally a question)
BRB - Be Right Back
BS - Back Stab (on gaming), Bull Sh*t
BTW - By The Way
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
FAQ - Frequently Asked Question
FYI - For Your Information
FUBAR - F*ed Up Beyond All Recognition
GG - Good Game
GL - Good Luck
LMAO - Laughing My A* Off (equivalent to LOL)
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
M8 - Mate
MOTD - Message of the Day
NP - No Problem
NSFW - Not Safe for Work (be very careful with email carrying this word on subject)
OMG - Oh, My God!
OS - Operating System
PLS or PLZ - Please
SRY or SOZ - Sorry
THX - Thanks
TY - Thank You
U - You
Ur - Your
W8 - Wait
WTF - What The F*
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get (applied to programs)

This is not a complete list (not even close), but it's a list of the ones I came across through out the years browsing online! There are many I use daily and others i see now and then on some website...

Feel free to comment and/or add others you think are important!

Netlingo - www.netlingo.com
Wikipédia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_slang

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