A blog about my experience in the IT world.

Web 2.0, What Is It?

December 5, 2007

The term Web 2.0 isn't new, it has been around for a few years. But if you still don't know what is it, you have by now felt its effects.

Well, Web 2.0 is mainly a concept. A concept about how information should be organized on the internet. It's the understanding that each site is not an isolated object but a part of the all. And, of course, the role an user has in the interaction with the websites.

Information on the internet is not plain text, but series of data that can be read both by humans and computers. In order to help computers decide what is relevant for human information start to be categorized (or tagged). This tag is attributed by other humans helping this way to find a specific topic in a future search. Information isn't still either, it needs to be updated and share. But old systems made it hard, so new languages were created that enabled an easier sharing.

With Web 2.0 also appeared new types of websites. The explosion of blogs (like this one) with millions of people sharing their points of view (like me); Social bookmarking, with people sharing stuff they liked online; And wikis, that truly are universal encyclopedias. And many many more...
This posted a change in the way people perceived websites, they stop being only information givers but also being able to perform a service (whether it be finding bookshops in your town or publish your latest video clip).

Web 2.0 also brought new design concepts;Glossy buttons, round corners and image reflection (Apple inspired), enabled by languages like CSS and programs like Photoshop, websites gained a softer clear look, very different from old websites that were square (table based) and filled with high contrast colors.

This is a little picture of what Web 2.0 is about, and how it affect how everyone sees and uses the internet.

For further information:
Wikipédia - Web 2.0
What's Web 2.0 - O'Reilly
YouTube - Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us _ Nice clip about information organization.
Or just search Web 2.0 in Google...

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